Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: [1.4.x] Melee Weapon Blessings & Mechanics (2024)

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: [1.4.x] Melee Weapon Blessings & Mechanics (1)

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Get ready to dominate the battlefield in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide with this comprehensive guide on melee weapon blessings and mechanics. Learn all about the different blessings and how they work, as well as their interactions with talents and buffs. For details on ranged weapon blessings, check out our Steam guide. And for more information on specific talents for each character class, be sure to check out our dedicated guides for Psykers, Ogryns, Veterans, and Zealots on Steam. Let’s dive in and become masters of melee combat in Darktide!

– –  A  – –

All or Nothing



Up to +X% Power, as Stamina depletes.

stat buff: melee_power_level_modifier

For every 20% of depleted max stamina, grants 1 stack (up to 5); stack calculation rounds down so the first stack is granted when below 80% max stamina, the second when below 60% max stamina, etc. Per stack, increases the power level of melee attacks (see values below); stacks additively with related power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).


Combat Axes
Sapper Shovels

Melee Power per stack (per tier)

5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)
5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)
5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)

– –  B  – –




+X% Critical Chance for 3s on Pushing Enemies.

stat buff: melee_critical_strike_chance

When pushing an enemy, grants additional crit chance to melee attacks (see values below) for 3s; can be refreshed during active duration. The push action does not need to stagger the enemy (procs against monstrosities, Bulwark shield, Captain/Twins void shield). Despite the buff icon staying after weapon swap, the buff does not benefit melee special actions from Ripper Gun, Grenadier Gauntlet (melee part), Rumbler, Stubber, and Kickback.



Crit Chance (per tier)

7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%

Blazing Spirit



Enemy gains +X Stack(s) of Soulblaze on Critical Hit, to a maximum of X Stack(s).

Damaging melee critical hits apply stacks of Soulblaze. Can’t apply Soulblaze through shields. Can apply up to a specific max amount of Soulblaze stacks on a target (see values below).

Soulblaze: same as other sources of Soulblaze; lasts 8s; ticks every 0.75s; refreshes duration on stack application; very high armor damage modifiers across the board, very low armor damage modifier against Carapace.


Force Swords

Soulblaze Stacks (per tier)

3 (up to 9 max) | 4 (up to 12 max) (Tier 3 and Tier 4 only)




+X Bleed Stacks from Special Attacks.

Activated weapon special attacks apply stacks of bleed (see values below). Procs on initial hit, revving damage instances do not apply bleed. Can’t apply bleed through shields. Can apply up to 16 max bleed stacks on a target.

Bleed: same as other sources of bleed; lasts 1.5s; ticks every 0.5s; refreshes duration on stack application; above average armor damage modifiers across the board, low armor damage modifier against Carapace.



Bleed Stacks (per tier)

13 | 14 | 15 | 16
11 | 12 | 13 | 14
3 | 4 | 5 | 6




+X% Critical Chance on your next Melee Attack after Special Attack Kill.

stat buff: melee_critical_strike_chance

After killing an enemy with an activated weapon special attack, the next melee attack within 5s receives additional crit chance (see values below).


Force Swords

Crit Chance

100% (Tier 4 only)
100% (Tier 4 only)
100% (Tier 4 only)
100% (Tier 4 only)

Brutal Momentum / Deathblow



+X% Weak Spot Damage. Weakspot Kills also ignore Enemy Hit Mass.

buff keyword: melee_infinite_cleave_on_headshot

stat buff: melee_weakspot_damage

Increases melee weakspot damage (see values below); stacks additively with related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs. Also lets melee attacks ignore the combined hit mass of up to three non-ogryn enemies upon weakspot kill.

Hit mass & cleave:
Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack’s (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be higher than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved. For example, against enemies with 1.5 hit mass each: If an attack has a hit mass budget of 3.5, it can cleave two of those enemies (spending 3 of its hit mass budget) and hit a third enemy; this attack, however, could not cleave the third enemy (only 0.5 of its hit mass budget remains) to hit a fourth one.

So, when killing a non-ogryn enemy with a weakspot kill, the blessing allows this attack to ignore the hit mass of the slain enemy and, additionally, the combined hit mass of the next two non-ogryn enemies. Then, on the fourth hit enemy, the attack starts to consume its natural hit mass budget until it is spent. Note that the attack also carries over its first target damage against the first four hit enemies (instead of only dealing full damage against the first target and then, as per damage cleave distribution, reduced damage against cleaved targets).

Note that Carapace armor cannot be cleaved by default. This blessing does not allow to bypass Carapace’s built-in aborts_attack mechanic: So even with ‘infinite’ cleave proc’ed, an attack will stop at the next Carapace armor hit zone (e.g. against Mauler heads).


Battle Maul & Shield
Combat Axes
Heavy Swords
Latrine Shovels
Power Maul
Power Swords
Tactical Axes

Weakspot Damage (per tier)

7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%
7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%
7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%
7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%
7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%
7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%
7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%

– –  C  – –

Confident Strike



+X% toughness on Chained Hit.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

Chained hits replenish a fixed percentage of maximum toughness (see values below); the amount of toughness replenished is neither affected by the buff from Too Stubborn to Die nor by the toughness replenishment debuff while in toxic gas; procs additionally to toughness replenishments from talents like Smash ‘Em!, The Best Defence, etc, or from blessings like Momentum; does not interact with coherency toughness. If a hit enemy dies, the toughness amount replenished from the blessing is added to Ogryn’s base 5% of maximum toughness gained on melee kill.

‘Chained hit’ refers to the continuous chaining of, in this blessing’s case, at least two attacks against targets. Can be any target, does not need to be the same target. The first proc is on the second chained hit; also procs on non-damaging hits against Bulwark shield or Captain/Twins void shield. Missing an attack or waiting out an attack’s specific chain timer clears the current chain.


Battle Maul & Shield
Bully Clubs
Latrine Shovels
Power Maul

Max Toughness Percentage (per tier)

5% | 6% | 7% | 8%
5% | 6% | 7% | 8%
5% | 6% | 7% | 8%
5% | 6% | 7% | 8%
5% | 6% | 7% | 8%
5% | 6% | 7% | 8%

– –  D  – –


See Brutal Momentum.




+X% Finesse for 5s on Enemy One-Shot. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: melee_finesse_modifier_bonus

When killing an enemy in one hit, grants stacks (up to 5); stacks last for 8s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, grants a melee finesse damage bonus (see values below). Stacks additively with other weakspot and finesse damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs.

‘One hit kill’ requires that (1) the targeted enemy is at 100% health, and (2) that the attack in question deals damage equal to or greater than the targeted enemy’s maximum health in one hit.


Combat Axes

Melee Finesse Bonus per stack (per tier)

18% | 20% | 22% | 24% (up to +120%)




Continuously chaining more than 2 attacks gives +X% Power. Stacks 10 times.

stat buff: melee_power_level_modifier

Chained hits grant stacks (up to 10); generates one stack per swing; stacks last 2s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, increases the power level of melee attacks (see values below); stacks additively with related power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).

‘Chained hit’ refers to the continuous chaining of attacks against targets. Can be any target, does not need to be the same target. Procs also on non-damaging hits against Bulwark shield or Captain/Twins void shield. Missing an attack clears the current chain and removes all stacks.


Combat Axes
Sapper Shovels
Tactical Axes

Melee Power per stack (per tier)

2% | 3% | 4% | 5% (up to +50%)
2% | 3% | 4% | 5% (up to +50%)
2% | 3% | 4% | 5% (up to +50%)




This weapon Blocks both Melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, Block Cost is reduced by X%.

buff keyword: can_block_ranged

stat buff: block_cost_ranged_multiplier

Allows Force Swords to block hit scan ranged attacks with stamina. Only blocks ranged attacks within the weapon’s effective inner block angle. Grants block cost reduction against ranged attacks (see values below); stacks multiplicatively with Kinetic Deflection, with block cost reduction buffs from Block Efficiency from curios and melee weapon perks, and with the stamina cost reduction buff from Celerity Stimm.

For example, a Scab Shooter deals 0.5 stamina damage per shot against Force Swords. With 3 maximum stamina and just a Tier 4 Deflector blessing (i.e. a block_cost_ranged_multiplier of 0.7), this stamina damage is reduced to 0.5×0.7=0.35 per shot (or 12% per HUD). With Tier 4 Deflector, 20% Block Efficiency on the weapon (i.e. a block_cost_multiplier of 0.8) and an active Celerity Stimm (i.e. a stamina_cost_multiplier of 0.75), the incoming stamina damage per shot is further reduced to 0.5×0.7×0.8×0.75=0.21 per shot (or 7% per HUD).

Note that Sniper shots, even when a shot is blocked and does not deplete stamina fully, deal their full spillover damage regardless.

For an in-depth explanation of how this blessing interacts with Kinetic Deflection, see the Psyker talent guide.


Force Swords

Ranged Block Cost Reduction (per tier)

22.5% | 25% | 27.5% | 30%

Devastating Strike



+X% Cleave for 5 seconds on Critical Hit.

stat buff: max_hit_mass_attack_modifier

On critial hit, increases the maximum hit mass limit of attacks (see values below) for 5s, thereby allowing attacks to cleave more enemies per swing. Does not proc on non-damaging crit hits against Bulwark shield or Captain/Twins void shield; can be refreshed during active duration. Stacks additively with related buffs from Savage Sweep and Wrath, and multiplicatively with power level buffs.

Hit mass & cleave:
Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack’s (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be higher than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved.

For example, the Heavy1 of the Devil’s Claw Sword Mk VII has a max hit mass limit of 9.5 (with an 80% Cleave Targets stat). It can cleave two Scab Bruisers (3.5 hit mass each) and hit a third one. With Tier 4 Devastating Strike proc’ed, the Heavy1 now has a max hit mass limit of 9.5+9.5×0.8=17.1 which means that it can now cleave four Scab Bruisers (4×3.5=14 total hit mass required) and hit a fifth one. It cannot cleave the fifth Bruiser, however, since this would require a max hit mass limit greater than 5×3.5=17.5.

Note that Carapace armor cannot be cleaved by default. This blessing does not allow to bypass Carapace’s built-in aborts_attack mechanic.


Devil’s Claw Swords

Max Hit Mass Increase (per tier)

65% | 70% | 75% | 80%
65% | 70% | 75% | 80%
65% | 70% | 75% | 80%

– –  E  – –




+X% Power Level on Repeated Weak Spot Hit. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: power_level_modifier

Repeated melee weakspot hits grant stacks (up to 5); generates first stack on initial hit; stacks last 2.5s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, increases the power level (see values below) of melee attacks and DoTs while the weapon is equipped. Stacks additively with other power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).

‘Repeated weakspot hit’ refers to repeatedly hitting an enemy’s weakspot. Can be against any target, does not need to be the same target. Hitting any other hit zone removes the stacks, missing an attack entirely (e.g. hitting air) keeps the stacks.

Note that this blessing is currently not working as intended: Per stack, it increases general power level by 5% (regardless of tier) instead of increasing melee power level only and scaling the amount per tier.


Combat Blades
Force Swords

Power per stack (per tier)

5% | 5% | 5% | 5% (up to +25%) (bugged, see above)
5% | 5% | 5% | 5% (up to +25%) (bugged, see above)




Quell X% of Peril on Repeated Weak Spot Hit.

function: WarpCharge.decrease_immediate

While chaining attacks, weakspot hits automatically quell peril (see values below). As long as an attack chain is active (i.e. while using any attack before the chain timer runs out), any weakspot hit will proc the talent; does not need to be back to back weakspot hits. The attack chain remains active when hitting air. Procs only once per swing regardless of how many enemy weakspots are hit. Procs additionally to Psyker’s Battle Meditation and Purloin Providence.


Force Swords

Peril Amount Quelled (per tier)

2% | 3% | 4% | 5%

– –  F  – –




Ignore X% Stagger Resistance on Weak Spot Hit.

stat buff: stagger_weakspot_reduction_modifier

Grants a modifier that further reduces enemy stagger_reduction on weakspot hits which, overall, increases the stagger potential of melee attacks on headshots.

How Stagger Works
This video is by far the best resource on this topic.

For an example, let’s consider the following scenario: Staggering an attacking Dreg Rager with Shock Maul Mk III’s Heavy1. While the Rager is actively attacking, he has a stagger_reduction of 50. The Heavy1 has a stagger strength of 16.25 against Maniac which is not enough to stagger the Rager. By default, an enemy’s stagger_reduction is halved against weakspot hits. Yet, Heavy1’s stagger strength against Maniac of 16.25, even on weakspot hit, can stil not beat 25. With this blessing (Tier 4), on a weakspot hit, the Rager’s stagger_reduction is now 50×0.5×0.1=2.5 which is low enough so that the attack can beat it and then also put the Rager, as per his stagger_thresholds, into a medium stagger (for this, 10 is required; 16.25-2.5=13.75) which is enough to cancel his ongoing attack.

Flesh Tearer



+X Bleed Stacks on Critical Hit.

Damaging melee critical hits apply stacks of bleed (see values below). Can’t apply bleed through shields. Can apply up to 16 max bleed stacks on a target.

Bleed: same as other sources of bleed; lasts 1.5s; ticks every 0.5s; refreshes duration on stack application; above average armor damage modifiers across the board, low armor damage modifier against Carapace.


Combat Blades

Bleed Stacks (per tier)

5 | 6 | 7 | 8

– –  H  – –




+X% Impact for 1.5s on Hit. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: melee_impact_modifier

Any melee hit and push action grants stacks (up to 5); can generate multiple stacks per swing or push action; stacks last 3.5s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, increases melee stagger strength (see values below); stacks additively with related buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs.


Devil’s Claw Swords
Sapper Shovels
Shock Mauls
Thunder Hammers

Melee Stagger Strength per stack (per tier)

19% | 21% | 23% | 25% (up to +125%)
19% | 21% | 23% | 25% (up to +125%)
19% | 21% | 23% | 25% (up to +125%)
19% | 21% | 23% | 25% (up to +125%)
19% | 21% | 23% | 25% (up to +125%)




+X% to Instakill human-sized enemies on Chained Heavy Hit. Stacks 5 times.

Hits with heavy melee attacks grant stacks (up to 5); can generate multiple stacks per swing; stacks last 5s, can be refreshed during active duration, and are dropped one by one. Per stack, grants a chance (see values below) to instantly kill human-sized targets on any heavy melee attack.

Enemies who cannot die to instakills are: Bulwark, Crusher, Reaper, Scab Captain/Twins, and all monstrosities.

Note that enemies who die to instakills don’t pass certain talents’ kill based proc conditions, e.g. Psyker’s Battle Meditation, Overpowering Souls, Perilous Combustion, Psykinetic’s Aura; Ogryn’s Bruiser, Dominate, Massacre; Veteran’s Confirmed Kill, Out for Blood, Tactical Awareness, Volley Adept; Zealot’s Blazing Piety, Pious Cut-Throat, Sainted Gunslinger, Vicious Offering; this list is not complete.


Bully Clubs
Combat Blades

Instakill Chance per stack (per tier)

1% | 2% | 3% | 4% (up to +20%)
1% | 2% | 3% | 4% (up to +20%)




+X% Power for 3.5s on Hit. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: melee_power_level_modifier

Any melee hit grants stacks (up to 5); can generate multiple stacks per swing; stacks last 3.5s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, increases power level of melee attacks (see values below); stacks additively with related power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).


Combat Axes
Heavy Swords
Tactical Axes
Thunder Hammers

Melee Power per stack (per tier)

3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% (up to +25%)
3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% (up to +25%)
6.5% 7% 7.5% 8% (up to +40%)
3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% (up to +25%)
3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% (up to +25%)
3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% (up to +25%)

High Voltage



+X% Damage vs Electrocuted.

stat buff: damage_vs_electrocuted

Against enemies who are under the effect of electrocution, increases any damage (see values below) while the weapon is equipped; stacks additively with related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs.

Electrocution can be applied by: Shock Mauls’ regular attacks (only if the attack staggers the target and has an armor damage modifier against the attacked armor hit zone greater than 0.6) and weapon special attacks (always), weapon blessings Lightning Reflexes and Overwhelming Force, Zealot’s Stunstorm Grenade, Psyker’s Smite, Surge Staff (alt fire), and Telekine Shield with Enervating Threshold (when staggering enemies).


Shock Mauls

Damage vs Electrocuted (per tier)

10% | 15% | 20% | 25%

– –  L  – –




+X Bleed Stacks on non-Weak Spot Hits.

Non-weakspot melee hits apply stacks of bleed (see values below). Can’t apply bleed through shields. Can apply up to 16 max bleed stacks on a target.

Bleed: same as other sources of bleed; lasts 1.5s; ticks every 0.5s; refreshes duration on stack application; above average armor damage modifiers across the board, low armor damage modifier against Carapace.


Combat Blades

Bleed Stacks (per tier)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Lightning Reflexes



Timed Blocking Stuns the attacker, and grants you X% Melee Power for 3ss.

stat buff: melee_power_level_modifier

Timed blocks against melee attacks apply a staggering electrocution effect to enemies. Timed blocks also increase the power level of melee attacks (see values below) for 3s; can be refreshed during active duration; stacks additively with related power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

Electrocution: lasts 3s; stacks once; deals low damage across the board; deals damage and stagger every 0.55s; staggers all enemies except Mutants, monstrosities and Scab Captain/Twins.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).

‘Timed block’ refers to perfect blocking. This is a blocking state which requires a successfully executed block action within 0.3s against an incoming melee attack. If the character has been blocking for longer than 0.3s when the to-be-blocked attack hits, it is not a perfect block. By default, a perfect block has no benefit. It is considered as a proc condition. For example, the Devil’s Claw Sword; if its weapon special (a parry_block action) is executed as a perfect block, the stamina cost of blocking an attack is set to a maximum of 2 (if the attack were to deal more stamina damage) and prevents all incoming damage (this also against ‘unblockable’ melee attacks).

Note that against ‘unblockable’ attacks (e.g. Crusher or Mauler overheads), the blessing’s electrocution effect may still be applied to the target but does not prevent the attack from going through.


Shock Mauls

Melee Power (per tier)

10% | 15% | 20% | 25%




+60% Power on your First Attack every X seconds.

stat buff: melee_power_level_modifier

After a cooldown (see values below), increases the power level of the next melee attack by 60%. While the blessing is on cooldown, any melee hit resets the active cooldown. Does not proc or reset the cooldown when hitting air. Stacks additively with related power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).


Combat Axes
Sapper Shovels
Tactical Axes

Cooldown (per tier)

5s | 4.5s | 4s | 3.5s
5s | 4.5s | 4s | 3.5s
5s | 4.5s | 4s | 3.5s
5s | 4.5s | 4s | 3.5s

– –  M  – –

Mercy Killer



+X% Weak Spot Damage (Enemies with Bleed Stacks).

stat buff: melee_weakspot_damage_vs_bleeding

Against enemies who are bleeding, increases the weakspot damage of melee attacks (see values below); stacks additively with related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs.


Combat Blades

Melee Weakspot Damage (per tier)

52.5% | 55% | 57.5% | 60%




Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, restores X% toughness.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

When hitting three or more enemies with a melee attack, replenishes a percentage of maximum toughness (see values below). The toughness amount replenished is affected by the buff from Too Stubborn to Die and by the toughness replenishment debuff while in toxic gas. Procs additionally to toughness replenishments from talents like Smash ‘Em!, The Best Defence, Vicious Offering, Stalwart, etc, or from blessings like Confident Strike; does not interact with coherency toughness. If one of the hit enemies dies, the toughness amount replenished from the blessing is added to the character’s base 5% of maximum toughness gained on melee kill.


Bully Clubs
Thunder Hammers

Max Toughness Percentage (per tier)

12% | 13% | 14% | 15%
12% | 13% | 14% | 15%
12% | 13% | 14% | 15%
12% | 13% | 14% | 15%

– –  O  – –




+X% Rending vs Staggered Enemies.

stat buff: rending_vs_staggered_multiplier

Against enemies who are staggered, grants rending (see values below) to melee attacks and DoTs while the weapon is quipped boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding. Only affects a character’s own damage. Stacks additively with other rending buffs (‘rending’) and with rending debuffs that are applied to enemies (‘brittleness’).


Shock Mauls

Rending vs Staggered (per tier)

10% | 15% | 20% | 25%

Overwhelming Force



Staggering an Enemy has a X% Chance to Stun the enemy. Cooldown X.

After a cooldown (see values below), any melee attack that staggers the target and has an armor damage modifier against the attacked armor hit zone greater than 0.6 has a fixed chance (see values below) to apply a staggering electrocution effect to the enemy.

Electrocution: lasts 3s; stacks once; deals low damage across the board; deals damage and stagger every 0.55s; staggers all enemies except Mutants, monstrosities and Scab Captain/Twins.


Shock Mauls

Cooldown & Proc Chance (per tier)

5s & 10% | 4.5s & 15% | 4s & 20% | 3.5s & 25%

– –  P  – –

Perfect Strike



Critical Hits ignore Hit Mass bonus from Armour. +X% Melee Critical Hit Damage.

buff keywords:

stat buff: melee_critical_strike_damage

Increases critical strike damage (see values below). Also, buffs critcial melee attacks in two ways: (1) By default, Carapace armor cannot be cleaved. This blessing allows critical melee attacks to bypass Carapace’s built-in aborts_attack mechanic so that Carapace armor can be cleaved. (2) Reduces enemy hit mass by 75% against critical melee attacks.

Hit mass & cleave:
Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack’s (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be higher than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved.

For example, the Heavy1 of the Latrine Shovel Mk V has a max hit mass limit of 11.1 (with an 80% Crowd Control stat). It cannot cleave a Crusher because of, mainly, Carapace’s aborts_attack property and because of, secondarily, the Crusher’s hit mass of 12.5. With this blessing, a critical attack with the Heavy1 can now cleave Carapace just like any other armor type, and it also can now cleave three Crushers (3×12.5×0.25=9.375 total hit mass required) to hit a fourth one. It cannot cleave the fourth Crusher, however, since this would require a max hit mass limit greater than 4×12.5×0.25=12.5.

Note that Bulwarks do not take damage from hits that cleave their shields.


Bully Clubs
Heavy Swords
Latrine Shovels

Crit Damage

7.5% (Tier 3 only)
7.5% (Tier 3 only)
7.5% (Tier 3 only)
7.5% (Tier 3 only)

Power Cycler



+X Extra Chained Energised Hits.

stat buff: weapon_special_max_activations

Grants additional attacks (see values below) while the Power Sword’s weapon special is active. Usually, upon activating the weapon special, the next attack is energized which enables a stronger damage profile for the executed attack, and after hitting one enemy (or after waiting out the activation duration of 3s), attacks lose the energized state. With this blessing, additional energized attacks can be executed as long as they are executed as part of an active attack chain (i.e. while using any attack before the chain timer runs out). Block and push actions clear the current attack chain; push-attacks may get energized but the chain always clears afterwards.


Power Swords

Additional Activated Attacks (per tier)

1 | 2 (Tier 3 and Tier 4 only)




+X% Finesse Damage for 2s on successful Dodge.

stat buff: finesse_modifier_bonus

Adds a finesse damage bonus (see values below) for 2s; stacks additively with other weakspot and finesse damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs. Procs on successfully dodging enemy melee or ranged attacks (except Gunners, Reapers, Snipers), and disabler attacks (Pox Hound jump, Trapper net, Mutant grab). ‘Successful dodge’ means dodging an enemy attack that is locked on the player with an accordingly timed dodge or sliding action.


Combat Blades
Duelling Swords
Force Swords

Finesse Damage Bonus (per tier)

45% | 50% | 55% | 60%
45% | 50% | 55% | 60%
45% | 50% | 55% | 60%

– –  R  – –




Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by X% for 3 seconds.

stat buff: melee_power_level_modifier

When hitting three or more enemies with a melee attack, increases the power level of melee attacks (see values below) for 3.5s; can be refreshed during active duration. Stacks additively with related power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).


Devil’s Claw Swords
Duelling Swords
Heavy Swords
Power Swords

Melee Power (per tier)

24% | 28% | 32% | 36%
24% | 28% | 32% | 36%
24% | 28% | 32% | 36%
24% | 28% | 32% | 36%
24% | 28% | 32% | 36%
24% | 28% | 32% | 36%

Rev It Up



+X% Movement Speed for 2s on Weapon Special Activation.

stat buff: movement_speed

Upon activating the weapon special, increases movement speed (see values below) for 2s; stacks additively with other movement speed buffs from talents, and multiplicatively with sprint speed buff from Zealot’s Swift Certainty.



Movement Speed (per tier)

17% | 18% | 19% | 20%
17% | 18% | 19% | 20%
17% | 18% | 19% | 20%




+X% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.

stat buff: critical_strike_chance

Grants additional crit chance (see values below) for 6s. Procs on successfully dodging enemy melee or ranged attacks (except Gunners, Reapers, Snipers), and disabler attacks (Pox Hound jump, Trapper net, Mutant grab). ‘Successful dodge’ means dodging an enemy attack that is locked on the player with an accordingly timed dodge or sliding action. Can be refreshed during active duration. Despite the buff icon staying after weapon swap, the buff does not benefit ranged weapons (including melee weapon specials).


Combat Blades
Duelling Swords
Force Swords

Crit Chance (per tier)

12.5% | 15% | 17.5% | 20%
12.5% | 15% | 17.5% | 20%
12.5% | 15% | 17.5% | 20%

Ruthless Backstab



+X% Rending on Backstab Hit.

buff keyword: allow_backstabbing

stat buff: backstab_rending_multiplier

Enables backstabbing. When backstabbing, grants rending (see values below) to melee attacks boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding. Only affects a character’s own damage. Stacks additively with other rending buffs (‘rending’) and with rending debuffs that are applied to enemies (‘brittleness’).

‘Backstabbing’ refers to melee attacks executed from within a specific angle behind an enemy’s back.


Combat Blades

Backstab Rending (per tier)

70% | 80% | 90% | 100%

– –  S¹  – –

Savage Sweep



Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your cleave by X% for 2 seconds.

stat buff: max_hit_mass_attack_modifier

When hitting three or more enemies with a melee attack, increases the maximum hit mass limit of attacks (see values below) for 3s, thereby allowing attacks to cleave more enemies per swing. Can be refreshed during active duration. Stacks additively with related buffs from Devastating Strike and Wrath, and multiplicatively with power level buffs.

Hit mass & cleave:
Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack’s (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be higher than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved.

For example, the Light1 of the Heavy Sword Mk VII has a max hit mass limit of 8 (with an 80% Cleave Targets stat). It can cleave one Dreg Rager (4 hit mass) and hit a second one. With Tier 4 Savage Sweep proc’ed, the Light1 now has a max hit mass limit of 8+8×2=24 which means that it can now cleave five Dreg Ragers (5×4=20 total hit mass required) and hit a sixth one. It cannot cleave the sixth Rager, however, since this would require a max hit mass limit greater than 6×4=24.

Note that Carapace armor cannot be cleaved by default. This blessing does not allow to bypass Carapace’s built-in aborts_attack mechanic.


Devil’s Claw Swords
Heavy Swords

Max Hit Mass Increase (per tier)

140% | 160% | 180% | 200%
140% | 160% | 180% | 200%
140% | 160% | 180% | 200%
140% | 160% | 180% | 200%
140% | 160% | 180% | 200%

Shock & Awe



-X% Enemy Hit Mass for 2s on Kill.

stat buff: consumed_hit_mass_modifier

On melee kill, reduces the hit mass of enemies (see values below) for 2s; can be refreshed during active duration.

Hit mass & cleave:
Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack’s (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be higher than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved.

For example, the Heavy1 of the Thunder Hammer Mk II has a max hit mass limit of 16.5 (with an 80% Crowd Control stat). It can cleave one Scab Rager (10 hit mass) and hit a second one. With Tier 4 Shock & Awe proc’ed, a Rager’s hit mass is reduced to 10×0.4=4 which means that the Heavy1 can now cleave four Scab Ragers (4x10x0.4=16 total hit mass required) and hit a fifth one. It cannot cleave the fifth Rager, however, since this would require a max hit mass limit greater than 5x10x0.4=20.


Thunder Hammers

Enemy Hit Mass Reduction (per tier)

30% | 40% | 50% | 60%




+X% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: critical_strike_chance

Chained hits grant stacks (up to 5); generates one stack per swing; stacks last 3.5s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, grants additional crit chance to melee attacks (see values below). Despite the buff icon staying after weapon swap, the buff does not benefit ranged weapons (including melee weapon specials).

‘Chained hit’ refers to the continuous chaining of attacks against targets. Can be any target, does not need to be the same target. Procs also on non-damaging hits against Bulwark shield or Captain/Twins void shield. Missing an attack clears the current chain and removes all stacks.


Combat Axes
Devil’s Claw Swords
Duelling Swords
Force Swords
Tactical Axes

Crit Chance per stack (per tier)

2.5% | 3% | 3.5% | 4% (up to +20%)
2.5% | 3% | 3.5% | 4% (up to +20%)
2.5% | 3% | 3.5% | 4% (up to +20%)
2.5% | 3% | 3.5% | 4% (up to +20%)
2.5% | 3% | 3.5% | 4% (up to +20%)
2.5% | 3% | 3.5% | 4% (up to +20%)
2.5% | 3% | 3.5% | 4% (up to +20%)




Target receives X Stack(s) of +10% Damage if already Staggered. Lasts 5s.

stat buff: damage_vs_staggered

On melee hits and push actions that successfully stagger the target, applies debuff stacks (see values below) to enemies; up to 8 stacks max on a target. The stacks last 5s and can be refreshed during active duration. Only while the debuffed enemy is in a staggered state, the debuff grants 10% increased damage per applied stack against the enemy; increases any damage (including explosions and DoTs); stacks additively with other damage buffs. If the debuffed enemy is not in a staggered state, the debuff has no effect.

Interaction with Crusher and Power Maul
Activating the weapon special of these two weapons enables the activated melee attacks, technically, to create stagger-heavy explosions when they hit an enemy. These explosions count as hit and apply Skullcrusher stacks to all enemies within range. Enemies who are hit directly by the swing therefore get hit twice, by the weapon and by the explosion, so that the max stack amount of 8 (Tier 4) is immediately applied to them. Enemies who are only hit by the explosion receive 4 Skullcrusher stacks.

• Crusher explosion radius (activated light attacks): 2m (max), 1m (epicenter)
• Crusher explosion radius (activated heavy attacks): 3.75m (max), 1.5m (epicenter)
• Power Maul explosion radius (all activated attacks): 6m (max), 2m (epicenter); this radius is affected by Ogryn’s Big Boom talent


Battle Maul & Shield
Bully Clubs
Devil’s Claw Swords
Latrine Shovels
Power Maul
Sapper Shovels
Shock Mauls
Thunder Hammers

Debuff Stacks Applied (per tier)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4




+X% Power for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: power_level_modifier

Melee kills grant stacks (up to 5); can generate multiple stacks per swing; stacks last 4.5s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, increases the power level (see values below) of melee attacks and DoTs while the weapon is equipped. Stacks additively with other power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).


Force Swords
Power Swords
Thunder Hammers

Power per stack (per tier)

5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)
5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)
5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)
5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)
5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)
5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to +40%)

– –  S²  – –

Slow and Steady



Recover up to X% Max Toughness based on the charge time of your heavy attacks.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

While charging heavy melee attacks, grants stacks every 0.2s (up to 3). The interval in which stacks are generated is unaffected by attack speed buffs. Per stack, replenishes a fixed percentage of maximum toughness (see values below) when the attack hits an enemy. The amount of toughness replenished is neither affected by the buff from Too Stubborn to Die nor by the toughness replenishment debuff while in toxic gas; procs additionally to toughness replenishments from talents like Smash ‘Em!, The Best Defence, etc, or from blessings like Confident Strike; does not interact with coherency toughness. If a hit enemy dies, the toughness amount replenished from the blessing is added to Ogryn’s base 5% of maximum toughness gained on melee kill.



Max Toughness Percentage per stack (per tier)

5% | 6% | 7% | 8% (up to 24%)




+X% Critical Chance for 2s on Special Action Hit (Staggered Enemy).

stat buff: critical_strike_chance

When sucessfully staggering enemies with weapon special attacks, grants additional crit chance (see values below) for 4.5s; can be refreshed during active duration. Despite the buff icon staying after weapon swap, the buff does not benefit ranged weapons (including melee weapon specials).


Bully Clubs
Combat Blades

Crit Chance (per tier)

12.5% | 15% | 17.5% | 20%
12.5% | 15% | 17.5% | 20%




Increased Cleave and +X% Heavy Melee Attack Damage on Energised Attacks.

buff keywords:

stat buff: melee_heavy_damage

Increases the damage of energized heavy melee attacks (see values below). Also, buffs any energized attack in two ways: (1) By default, Carapace armor cannot be cleaved. This blessing allows energized attacks to bypass Carapace’s built-in aborts_attack mechanic so that Carapace armor can be cleaved. (2) Reduces enemy hit mass by 75% against energized attacks.

Hit mass & cleave:
Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack’s (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be higher than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved.

For example, unenergized, the Heavy1 of the Power Sword Mk III has a max hit mass limit of 8 (with an 80% Cleave Targets stat). It cannot cleave a Mauler on headshot because of, mainly, Carapace’s aborts_attack property and because of, secondarily, the Mauler’s hit mass of 10. When the Heavy1 is energized, it has a max hit mass limit of 11.7 but still cannot cleave a Mauler on headshot. With this blessing, an energized attack with the Heavy1 can now cleave Carapace just like any other armor type, and it also can now cleave four Maulers (4x10x0.25=10 total hit mass required) on headshots to hit a fifth one. It cannot cleave the fifth Mauler, however, since this would require a max hit mass limit greater than 5x10x0.25=12.5.

Note that Bulwarks do not take damage from hits that cleave their shields.


Power Swords

Energized Heavy Melee Attack Damage

20% (Tier 4 only)




+X stacks of Brittleness on Energised Hit.

stat buff: rending_multiplier

Energized attacks apply a rending debuff (‘brittleness’) to enemies boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding (including damage of explosions and DoTs). Each stack applies 2.5% rending (up to 40% max at 16 stacks); lasts 5s.

Stacks additively with other rending debuffs (‘brittleness’), and with rending buffs that only boost a character’s own damage (‘rending’).


Power Swords

Brittleness Stacks (per tier)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4




+X% Power for 7 s on Elite Kill. Stacks 3 times, deteriorating one at a time.

stat buff: power_level_modifier

Elite kills grant stacks (up to 3); can generate multiple stacks per swing; stacks last 7s, can be refreshed during active duration, and are dropped one by one. Per stack, increases the power level (see values below) of melee attacks and DoTs while the weapon is equipped; stacks additively with other power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).


Force Swords

Power per stack

10% (up to +30%) (Tier 3 only)

– –  T¹  – –

Take a Swing



+X% Weak Spot Damage for 3 seconds on Pushing Enemies.

stat buff: weakspot_damage

When pushing an enemy, grants increased weakspot damage (see values below) for 3s; can be refreshed during active duration; stacks additively with related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs. The push action does not need to stagger the enemy (procs against monstrosities, Bulwark shield, Captain/Twins void shield). Despite the buff icon staying after weapon swap, the buff does not benefit ranged attacks.


Sapper Shovels

Weakspot Damage (per tier)

45% | 50% | 55% | 60%




+X% Power (next 3 attacks) on Weapon Special attack Hit.

stat buff: power_level_modifier

After hitting an enemy with the Cleaver’s weapon special (uppercut punch), increases the power level of the next three melee attacks and DoTs (see values below); stacks additively with other power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs. Hitting air consumes buffed attacks; DoT ticks do not consume buffed attacks and benefit from the power increase as long as there is at least one buffed attack remaining. Each weapon special hit resets the counter and adds three buffed attacks.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).



Power (per tier)

7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15%




Up to +X% Power based on the charge time of your heavy attacks. Stacks 3 times.

stat buff: melee_power_level_modifier

While charging heavy melee attacks, grants stacks in specific intervals (up to 3). Per stack, increases the power level of melee attacks (see values below); stacks additively with related power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs. The intervals in which stacks are generated are unaffected by attack speed buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).


Stack Interval

Bully Clubs

every 0.25s

Chainaxe Mk IV
 Heavy1 (activated)
 Heavy2 (activated)

every 0.2s
every 0.25s
every 0.2s
every 0.2s

Chainaxe Mk XII

every 0.25s


every 0.25s

Combat Axes

every 0.25s

Latrine Shovels

every 0.25s


every 0.2s

Sapper Shovels

every 0.25s

Shock Maul Mk IA

every 0.25s

Shock Maul Mk III

every 0.25s
every 0.2s
every 0.25s

Thunder Hammers

every 0.2s


Bully Clubs
Combat Axes
Latrine Shovels
Sapper Shovels
Shock Mauls
Thunder Hammers

Melee Power per stack (per tier)

5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)
5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)
5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)
5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)
5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)
5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)
5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)
5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)
5% | 10% | 15% | 20% (up to +60%)




Target receives X Stacks of 5% Brittleness on Hit. Lasts 5s.

stat buff: rending_multiplier

Melee attacks and push actions apply a rending debuff (‘brittleness’) to enemies boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding (including damage of explosions and DoTs). Each stack applies 2.5% rending (up to 40% max at 16 stacks); lasts 5s; can apply stacks through shields.

Activated Chainaxe attacks apply stacks only on the initial hit.

Stacks additively with other rending debuffs (‘brittleness’), and with rending buffs that only boost a character’s own damage (‘rending’).


Bully Clubs
Combat Axes
Latrine Shovels
Thunder Hammers

Brittleness Stacks (per tier)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4

– –  T²  – –




Target receives X Stack(s) of +10% Impact if already Staggered. Lasts 5s.

stat buff: impact_modifier

On melee hits and push actions that successfully stagger the target, applies debuff stacks (see values below) to enemies; up to 8 stacks max on a target. The stacks last 5s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per applied stack, the debuff grants 10% increased stagger strength against the enemy; increases the stagger strength of all sources (melee, ranged, explosions, shout abilities); stacks additively with other stagger buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs.

Interaction with Crusher and Power Maul
Activating the weapon special of these two weapons enables the activated melee attacks, technically, to create stagger-heavy explosions when they hit an enemy. These explosions count as hit and apply Thunderstrike stacks to all enemies within range. Enemies who are hit directly by the swing therefore get hit twice, by the weapon and by the explosion, so that the max stack amount of 8 (Tier 4) is immediately applied to them. Enemies who are only hit by the explosion receive 4 Thunderstrike stacks.

• Crusher explosion radius (activated light attacks): 2m (max), 1m (epicenter)
• Crusher explosion radius (activated heavy attacks): 3.75m (max), 1.5m (epicenter)
• Power Maul explosion radius (all activated attacks): 6m (max), 2m (epicenter); this radius is affected by Ogryn’s Big Boom talent


Battle Maul & Shield
Devil’s Claw Swords
Power Maul
Sapper Shovels
Thunder Hammers

Debuff Stacks Applied (per tier)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4




+X% Power for 3.5s on Weapon Special Hit.

stat buff: melee_power_level_modifier

Hitting an enemy with Pickaxe’s weapon special increases the power level of melee attacks (see values below) for 3.5s; can be refreshed during active duration. Stacks additively with related power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs. Procs also on non-damaging hits against Bulwark shield or Captain/Twins void shield.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).



Melee Power (per tier)

12% | 16% | 20% | 24%




+X% Impact for 2 seconds on Repeated Hit. Stacks 5 times.

stat buffs:

Consecutive melee hits and pushes against enemies grant stacks (up to 5); generates first stack on second hit or push; stacks last 2s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, increases melee stagger strength (see values below) and stagger duration by 10%; stacks additively with related stagger buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs; the stagger duration buff stacks multiplicatively with itself.


Devil’s Claw Swords
Sapper Shovels
Thunder Hammers

Melee Stagger Strength per stack (per tier)

7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15% (up to +75%)
10% | 12.5% | 15% | 20% (up to +100%)
7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15% (up to +75%)
7.5% | 10% | 12.5% | 15% (up to +75%)

– –  U  – –

Uncanny Strike



+X% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: rending_multiplier

Melee weakspot hits grant stacks (up to 5); can generate multiple stacks per swing; stacks last 5s, can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, grants rending (see values below) to melee attacks and DoTs while the weapon is quipped boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding. Only affects a character’s own damage. Stacks additively with other rending buffs (‘rending’) and with rending debuffs that are applied to enemies (‘brittleness’).


Combat Blade
Duelling Swords
Force Swords
Sapper Shovels

Rending per stack (per tier)

12% | 16% | 20% | 24% (up to +120%)
12% | 16% | 20% | 24% (up to +120%)
12% | 16% | 20% | 24% (up to +120%)
12% | 16% | 20% | 24% (up to +120%)

Unstable Power



Up to +X% Power, scaling with Peril.

stat buff: power_level_modifier

For every 20% of current peril, grants 1 stack (up to 4); stack calculation rounds down so the first stack is granted when above 20% peril, the second when above 40% peril, etc; max stacks when above 80% peril. Per stack, increases the power level (see values below) of melee attacks and DoTs while the weapon is equipped; stacks additively with other power level buffs, and multiplicatively with damage buffs.

‘Power level buffs’ increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).


Force Swords

Power per stack (per tier)

3.5% | 4% | 4.5% | 5% (up to +20%)

Unstoppable Force



Fully Charged Heavy Attacks ignore Enemy Hit Mass.

buff keywords:

This blessing does two things: (1) It allows partially and fully charged heavy melee attacks to bypass Carapace’s built-in aborts_attack mechanic so that Carapace armor can be cleaved. (2) It allows fully charged heavy melee attacks to ignore the combined hit mass of all enemies hit. ‘Fully charged’ means that you have to hold the button until the heavy attack is executed automatically.

Hit mass & cleave:
Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack’s (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be higher than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved.

For example, the Heavy1 of the Cleaver Mk VI has a max hit mass limit of 28.1 (with an 80% Cleave Damage stat). A Crusher has a hit mass of 12.5. Without the blessing, despite having a sufficient max hit mass limit, the attack cannot cleave a Crusher because of Carapace’s aborts_attack property. With this blessing, on a partially charged heavy attack, the Heavy1 can now cleave Carapace just like any other armor type which allows it to cleave two Crushers (2×12.5=25 total hit mass required) and to hit a third one. It cannot cleave the third Crusher, however, because this would require 3×12.5=37.5 total hit mass. With this blessing, on a fully charged heavy attack, the Heavy1 can (still) cleave Carapace and also has its max hit mass limit set to infinite which means that it can cleave and damage any enemy whose hitbox it is able to touch. Note that Heavy1’s damage cleave distribution still applies, so it deals its highest damage against the first target, reduced damage against the second and third target, and its lowest damage against the fourth target (and against all infinite targets thereafter).

Note that Bulwarks do not take damage from hits that cleave their shields.



(Tier 3 only)

– –  V  – –

Vicious Slice



+X% Impact to Target for each Enemy already Hit by the same Attack

stat buff: melee_impact_modifier

Each enemy hit during a melee attack grants stacks (up to 5). Per stack, increases melee stagger strength (see values below); stacks additively with related stagger buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs. Against the first hit enemy, the attack receives no stagger strength; against the second hit enemy, the attack receives 1 stack of stagger strength, against the third hit enemy, the attack receives 2 stacks of stagger strength, and so on. This helps mitigating the effect of the weapon’s stagger cleave distribution which usuallly specifies that after the first target each additionally cleaved target receives less stagger during a swing.

For example, the Heavy1 of Devil’s Claw Sword Mk I with Tier 4 Vicious Slice:


Stagger Strength
w/o Blessing

Stagger Strength
w/ Blessing


























Devil’s Claw Swords

Melee Stagger Strength per stack (per tier)

14% | 16% | 18% | 20% (up to +100%)

– –  W  – –




+X% Cleave on Hit. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: max_hit_mass_attack_modifier

Chained hits grant stacks (up to 5); generates one stack per swing; stacks last 3.5s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, increases the maximum hit mass limit of attacks (see values below), thereby allowing attacks to cleave more enemies per swing. Stacks additively with related buffs from Devastating Strike and Savage Sweep, and multiplicatively with power level buffs.

‘Chained hit’ refers to the continuous chaining of attacks against targets. Can be any target, does not need to be the same target. Procs also on non-damaging hits against Bulwark shield or Captain/Twins void shield. Missing an attack clears the current chain and removes all stacks.

Hit mass & cleave:
Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack’s (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be higher than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved.

For example, the Light1 of the Karsolas Pickaxe has a max hit mass limit of 6.38 (with an 80% Crowd Control stat). It can cleave one Dreg Gunner (4 hit mass) and hit a second one. With Tier 4 Wrath at 5 stacks, the Light1 now has a max hit mass limit of 6.38+6.38×2=19.14 which means that it can now cleave four Dreg Gunners (4×4=16 total hit mass required) and hit a fifth one. It cannot cleave the fifth Gunner, however, since this would require a max hit mass limit greater than 5×4=20.


Devil’s Claw Swords
Heavy Swords
Power Swords

Max Hit Mass Increase per stack (per tier)

25% | 30% | 35% | 40% (up to +200%)
25% | 30% | 35% | 40% (up to +200%)
25% | 30% | 35% | 40% (up to +200%)
25% | 30% | 35% | 40% (up to +200%)
25% | 30% | 35% | 40% (up to +200%)
35% | 40% | 45% | 50% (up to +250%)

And that wraps up our share on Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: [1.4.x] Melee Weapon Blessings & Mechanics. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by kuli, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!

More Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Guides

  • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: Quick reference maps – Heretical Idols, Martyr Skulls, and more!
  • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: Indignatus Crusher Guid
  • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: All Bell Locations for Karnak Special Assignment
  • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: [Psyker] Gun Builds

Tags: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide ,Characters, Classes, Co-op, Crafting, Gameplay Basics, Loot, Multiplayer, Secrets, Walkthroughs, Weapons

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Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: [1.4.x] Melee Weapon Blessings & Mechanics (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6263

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.