Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania (2024)


Rev. M. J. Hoban, bishop of Scranton, has placed the ban on St. Stanislaus Polish Catholic Church of Nentico*ke and has pronounced the interdict of excommunication against several of the leaders in the movement that resulted in prolonged litigation over the church property, in which court decreed bishop should transfer his title to the trustees.

his message to Catholics of Nantico*ke, the bishop reviews the church history and closeg the church to all Catholies. He also forbids any priest services in the cemetery 01 over the body of any person to be interred therein. The letter, in part follows: "June 28, 1912. "Rev. Dear Sir: years ago the Catholics of the diceese of Scranton were saddened and scandalized when heard that St.

Stanislaus Church in Nantico*ke would not allow some Polish priests to enter the church and say a mass of requiem 1 for their departed pastor, who before dying left practically all that he had to his beloved congregation. They wished force the bishop to appoint as pastor one who was a stranger the diocese and against whom complaints had been made. The bishop could not conscientiously appoint him and told the committee so. They said that if this priest were not appointed they would take the deed of the church. The bishop replied that the church property belonged to the congregation, but that the law of the church required that the REFRIGERATORS There is such a vast difference in the quality of refrigerators you should be careful in your selection.

Merely putting ice in the box doesn't protect the food; it's the principle upon which the refrigerator is built that counts. We guarantee our refrigerators and the price is moderate. SEE US FOR Porch Furniture Household Goods. Kirby Thatcher C. E.

KIRBY, Undertaker. 2 and 7 Broad Street, Pittston, Pa. Why Not Treat Yourself to Some New Spring Toggery Latest Shapes In Hats, Fancy Shirts, Nobby Neckwear, Durable Hosiery and Underwear -Everything Rightup-to-the-Minute" atLAVAN'S 18 S. Main St. NEW BICYCLES With Coaster Brake $20 up.

Base Ball Goods A complete stock at low prices. We are still grinding Lawn Mowers. Let us call for yours. Allan Smiles 114 North Main St. 'Phones.

STRAW HATS and PANAMAS I SAILORS Sennets and Split Straws $1.00 to $3.00 PANAMAS All Shapes $5 Values at $3.75 BROWN title should be in the name of the bishop of the diocese. The law of Pennsylvania also allows the bishop to act church property. this certain men in defiance of the lawg of the Catholic Church brought suit against the bishop of Scranton and thus incurred excommunication from the Catholic Church of Jesus. They have refused to hear the church and now declare these men cut off from all the rights and privileges of Catholics. They huve had the keys of the church for the past two years and have not allowed any priest to say mass, although in order to satisty them I appointed three priests, one after another.

Now they have the deed, after having wasted much money in a scandalous lawsuit. and they are looking for a priest, but no priest will be allowed to say mass there, as now declare that the church of St. Stanislaus, Nantico*ke, is hereby placed under interdict from midnight of Sunday, June 30, 1912, and that no Catholic service of any kind shall be held therein, nor shall any Catholic enter therein without incurring shall siastical be reinsure, until the Interdict, "Moreover, the cemetery of St Stanislaus is also placed under interdict, so that no priest may hold service therein, nor hold service either in church or in house over the body of any person who. it may be intended to ba buried therein, except such priest shall first have obtained from the bishop permission in writing to hold such services. the loyal and faithful Catholics of St.

Stanislaus parish offer my sympathieg in their affliction. I sincerely hope that the men who are wickedly fighting against the church ftheir fathers may soon see the error of their ways and hear the voice of Christ, who said, 'He that is not with me is against me; he that gathereth not with me "Faithfully yours in Christ, A notice posted recently one of the trees of St. Stanislaus Church property attracted the attention of many people today. From the tone of the notice it would appear that the members of the congregation which hag been fighting the bishop for the past two years, will make an effort to nave a priest sent to their parish. The notice is as follows: "All male members over 21 years of age of the St.

Stanislaus B. M. Roman Catholic Church, are: requested to attend a meeting the basem*nt of the church at the corner of Maple and Church streets on Sunday, July 7, 1912. The purpose of the meeting is to request and demand of the Rev. Bishop Hoban of the Scranton diocese a priest for this parish.

Membership cards will be requested at the door. "By order of the church committees and trustees." WYOMING J. Hoban, "Bishop of Scranton." Notice Attracted Attention. A very pretty wedding took place at St. Julianna's church, Rock Lake, on June 26th, at 9 o'clock, when Anna, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Matthew Lestrange, of Coal Spring, was united in marriage to William Barrett, of West Wyoming, J. J. Heffewho also celebrated the nuptial mass. Miss Marle McDermott.

cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Lawrence Barrett, brother of the groom, was groomsman. The bride was attired gown of crepe de chine, trimmed with baby Irish lace and satin. The maid wore a gown of silk mulle. Both wore black picture hats, with plumes. During the ceremony, Miss McNeil played "Hearts Flowers." A wedding breakfast was served at the bride's home.

They left on an extended trip, which will include Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett will reside in Wyoming. The groom is employed as an engineer at the Westmoreland colliery.

Homer Greggs, of Scranton, visited his parents here over Sunday. Westgate, of Wilkesbarre. visited town yesterday. Rev. F.

von Krug has returned after visiting in Scranton. Mrs. Evan Davies, of East Orange, N. is visiting her sister, Mrs. John B.

Evans, of Monument street. Mrs. Edward McWilliams and son, of Scranton, were visitors in town over Sunday. J. V.

James and son, William, visited Plymouth yesterday. Miss Frances Yeager, of Forty Fort, called on Edna Courtright yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Akens visited Wilkesbarre yesterday.

Miss Sara James and niece, Florence, of Plymouth, called on friends in town yesterday. Robert Rozelle was a Wilkesbarre caller Saturday. Mrs. J. Galligan called on friends in Avoca Friday.

daughter of C. R. Rozelle. of Fifth street, is seriously ill of pneumonia. A deed has been recorded for the transfer of a property In Shavertown from John McDougall, of Wyoming, to H.

J. Major, of Alderson. for $500. Miss Eleave Linville was a Luzerne caller Sunday. Miss Grace Newton returned from Jersey, where she has been teaching the past year, to spend the months with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diamond are somewhat better after their recent illness. William Hawke returned home after a pleasant visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. V. James. George Eggar is ill at his home on Eighth street. Fred Young, of Factoryville, has returned home after spending the past week with Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Evans. Mr. and Mrs. James Morris spent Sunday at Plains.

Yesterday, on the First street grounds, the Wyoming baseball team, The Rexall Store. TINKER'S DRUG STORE now doing business at its new location. in the storeroom formerly occupied by, Gillespie's Cigar Store. Our Fountain is Running Best Drinks in Pittaton. FULL LINE OF REXALL REMEDIES Refrigerators, Go-Carts, Carpets and Rugs At the Great House of Benesch ch Sons Complete assortments and wonderful values.

You cannot buy better Deal Store- -the store that sells on a Free Credit Basis at less than smaller elsewhere, fo the Benesch Store is the great pioneer store of the Wyoming stores are forced to charge for cash. It is the store where selection is better, Valley. Our Refrigerators carry ice longer and keep food stuffs better than because the buying power is greater. This great service, splendid stooks and. any other kind made.

They are sanitary, insuring the health of both your- low pricings at Benesch's are the secret of our wonderful success and the satself and family by perfect drainage, and in appearance they will add charm isfaction of our thousands of customers. well as comfort to any kitchen in this part of the State. NEVER FORGET THAT YOUR OREDIT IS ALWAYS GOOD AT YOUR OREDIT IS ALWAYS GOOD AT BENESCH'8 -The Real Square BENESCH 'S. These Cold Air Refrigerators will keep Foodstuffs Sweet Fresh Exact $41 This Exact $29.75 Value 75c for Weekly $33.50 A Splendid Value Priced Very Low Value $22 value GENUINE PORCELAIN Drip pan and ice cream for Only $17.50 FUSED ON freezer free. Porcelain lined SHEET STEEL refrigerator, with solid oak Galvanized iron lining.

Case finished with round round cornered casing, like corners, and highly polished cut. Three door front, sani- throughout, mantel top, and tary ice tank and mantel top. large ice chamber. White Highly polished and equipped enameled lining. Perfeot air circulation, guaranteeing the with wire shelves.

preservation of foodstuffs. $29.75 $17.50 WEEKLY. WEEKLY. $22 CHINA THIS EXACT 45-PIECE Good Values $20. CLOSET Very Cheap DINNER SET GIVEN AWAY FREE OAK SIDEBOARD Carpets FREE WITH $25 PURCHASES In Rugs $15.75 95e 69 Tapestry Carpet.

Cents yard, 9x12 Seamless $7.95 Tap. $15 Rug $14.50 $1.10 Ingrain 3-ply Carpet, yd 9x12 $25 heavy Brussels Rug 95 Cents $17.25 $1.30 thick-pile Velvet Carpet 9x12 Velvet Rug, worth $28 $1.05 $19.95 $1.40 Body Brussels Carpet. 9x12 $32 Axminster Rug Solid oak $21.25 French plate na closet. like $1.75 Savonierre Carpet, yd 9x12 $50 Wilton Velvet Rug mirror in back, cut. with man- $1.35 silver drawer, tel top.

etc. $38.50 50c Weekly HANDSOME RUG FREE. HANDSOME RUG FREE. 50c Weekly The Great House. of Benesch Sons, Public Square, Wilkes-Barre "The Sunbursts." defeated the Warrior Run nine to the tune of 8-0, Louis Brew, of the Wyomings, caused 21 of the over-the-river players to make useless attempts to hit the elusive horsehide.

The feature of the game outside of the pitching, was hand catch of a long fly by John Currie, and the timely hitting of Will Jones. Jack Townend, manager of the Sunbursts, certainly has a fine team. they having gone through the entire season suffering only a single defeat. Miss Ruth Herman, of Selinggrove. fromerly of Wyoming, visited Miss Jeanette Chapin Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and family have returned from an mobile trip to Washington and its vicinity. Roderick Davis, of Nantico*ke. recently visited Mr.

and Mrs. E. W. Larish. Miss Gertrude Evans has returned to 'Shamokin after spending few days with Miss Sarah Dailey.

Miss Mary Eckert is entertaining her friend, Miss Olive Pettes, of Rome. Pa. There will be a meeting of the Christian Endeavor at the home of Floyd Davidson this evening. Arch Lindsay and family have moved to Maple street, Dorranceton. AVOCA Laid to Rest.

notable tribute of respect was paid to one of Avoca's most esteemed residents this afternoon, when the funeral of Jacob Snyder held. The funeral took place ronthe famIly home, on South Main street, and the esteem in which the deceased was held was attested by the many sorrowing friends and relatives who were in attendance. A large number of floral tributes, a mark of the esteem in which the deceased was held, were in evidence. At 1 o'clock services were conducted at the house by Rev. C.

E. Sweet, who spoke briefly on Mr. Snyder's life. The remains were taken on the 2 o'clock D. H.

train to Wilkesbarre, and were conveyed by a speetal car to Woodlawn cemetery, where interment was made. The pall bearwere John M. Graham, George Gable, N. E. Hoskins, James Graham, Jacob Webster, and George Pointon.

The flower carriers were W. H. Hollis. ter and R. K.

Balley. Baseball Notes. The Avoca team of the Wyoming league went to Pittston yesterday and defeated the fast team of that city in it hotly contested game by a score of 9-5. Garvey was on the mound for the 'locals and pitched in fine style. Loftus handled his delivery.

The Clippers played a good article of baseball yesterday on the North End grounds, when they overwhelmingly defeated the Hudson nine by score of 20-0. O' Brien, one of the Clippers' mainstays, pitched good game and was given loyal support. The xame only Went seven innings Fund during that brief period 14 men of the opposing team fanned the atmosphere in an effort to connect with O'Brien's benders. O' Brien who has the making pitcher, had a home run hit when the bases were filled. Funeral Notice.

The funeral of Edward Walsh, the Erie conductor, who death Saturday at South Pittston, will be held from the family home tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. A mass of requiem will be sung in St. Mary's church, and interment will be made in St. Mary's cemetery. Yesterday observed as Children's day In the Primitive Methodist church and the exercises held morning and evening were among the most successful ever held in the church.

The sacred edifice was elaborately trimmed with beautiful flowers. Roses and other seasonable cut flowers were conspicuous, while there was profusion of wild flowers and ferns. The exercises were in charge of Superintendent A. B. Clark and Assistant Superintendent R.

B. Bosley. The children of the Sunday school rendered extensive programmes of recitations and dialogues suitable to Children's day, and the special music rendered by the choir added the day's pleasure. The church was crowded to the doors at both services. Harry Gilbert, John Morris.

Eiward Egan, Robert Hopper, of Wyoming and Thomas West, of Kingston. left this morning for Atlantic City. Philadelphia and Cape May The Epworth League baseball team of the M. E. church will play the Rendham team tomorrow afternoon at 5:30, at Rendham.

A. J. Wilkesbarre, was a visitor at the home of this parents. Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Sweet, on South Main street, yesterday. The Rendham Stars crossed. bats with the local Epworth League baseball team on Saturday afternoon at the North End diamond, and were de- Children's Day Exercises.


1, Peck, James Kane, H. Farrer, W. Pittston. feated by the locals by the score of 10 to 5. The Rendham team is at the head of the Avoca Sub-District league.

The Woman's Foreign Missionary society Methodist Episcopal church will hold their regular monthly meeting in the church parlors, on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. The Methodist Episcopal church Sunday school will hold their annual picnic at Fern Brook Park on Aug. 13. Mrs. Lewis Newell and daughters, Margaret.

Elizabeth, Virginia and othy, of Bradford, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. son.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feeney, of Scranton. spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs.

John Garrett. Misses Nellie Taylor and Marie Curry. of Wyoming. spent yesterday with friends in town. Blanche Keating spent yesterday with Pittston friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharkey and family spent yesterday as the guests of the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs.

James McLaughlin. Mrs. John Gilroy, of the West Side, underwent an operation a few days Taylor hospital. Her condition is much improved, William of is spendin a few months' in Scotland." The Man With a Bank Book enjoys many favors accorded by a bank to its depositors, Establishes a valuable quaintance at bank, Establishes a credit, which is the best kind of business insurance, Makes his payments by checks, saving time, trouble, and possible losses, Contributes to the working capital of the community, Enjoys a prosperity which he helps to create. Open an account here and enjoy these privileges.

The Dime Bank 29 South Main Street, PITTSTON, PA. MIKE CLARKE'S K. OF C. TE.M WON FAST GAME SATURDAY Carrying the burden of the entire team on his broad husky shouldCaptain Mike Clark--he of hand ball fame--forced his nine through to victory Saturday afternoon at Valley View Park, when the local Knights of Columbus trimmed and otherwise man-handled their guests, the Scranton lodge of the same order. The final score wag 8 to 3, but the plain figures five a very poor description of incidents that occurred during that memorable nine-inning session.

Captain Mike was always on the job. He was one of the first and one of the last men to bat, and frequently he batted in between. His foot work on the paths, too, is worthy of mention. Starting out from first like. house afire, he looked like a tiny flame diminishing in th the distance, 90 fast did he fly on his stealing second.

third and home. Following tne game the visitors TELEPHONE THE GAZETTE PRINTERY When in need of anything in the PRINTING line and we will send representative to talk it over. We are equipped to handle most any kind of a job in a satisfactory manner and will give it prompt attention. We also carry in stock a supply of the following blanks: Deeds--Warranty and Fee Simple Will and Testament. Bonds--Common, Official and stables.

Judgment Notes Drafts Leases--Long and Short Form Transcripts--Civil and Common Landlord's Warrants Constable's Indemnifying Bonds Oath and Attachment for Board Information and Warrants Release of Judgment Attachment Against Absent and Fraudulent Debtors Attachment in Execution Summons for Possession Writ of Possession Contracts Contracts Reserving Coal Subpoenas Attachments Capias Search Warrants Assignments Judgment Notes Suit Notices Commitments Exemption Claims Release of Judgment Am. Si. Fa. to Revive Judgment Summons Recognizance Oath of Office School Tax Collector's Warrant Constable Sale Notices also For Rent Cards For Sale Carda Trespass Notices Receipt Books, Etc. were entertained at the lodge rooms in this city.

The line-ups of the teams follows: Pittston, Richard Langan, Thomas Redding, Mike Clark, William Clark, John Conners, R. McHale, Alfred Pace, Justin Cosgrove, 2b; John Sheridan, p. Scranton, Hart, Crowley, Duffy, McGoolrich. McElroy. Gerrity, Murray, Haggerty, Kennedy, p.

Next Sunday Pittston team will play' the Binghamton team in this city. Read The Gazette and keep posted. Electric Fans Help Brain Workers Hot, sluggish air means sluggish thought. The lawyer--the office man--the clerkthe student--the stenographer- These and others do better work warm summer days in cooling breezes from electric fans. Less than one cent an hour to operate.

Ask our New Business Department to call. 1 Telephone 578. Citizens' Electric Ill. Co. 11 Broad Street,.

Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.