Just Sing! National Anthems Offer (2025)

1. Just SING! National Anthems | Nintendo DSiWare | Games

  • There are 5 National Anthems to choose from: Germany, England, France, Italy and the Netherlands. Just sing into the Nintendo DSi microphone!

2. Just Sing! National Anthems - IGN

  • Enter the hallowed turf of football-dome and display your talent by singing a number of National Anthems into the Nintendo DSi microphone; Germany, England, ...

  • Release Date, Trailers, News, Reviews, Guides, Gameplay and more for Just Sing! National Anthems

3. Just Sing! National Anthems - ESRB Ratings

  • Just Sing! National Anthems - Everyone - This is a karaoke music game in which players sing along with the national anthems of various countries.

4. Just SING: National Anthems - VGChartz

5. Just SING! National Anthems | Nintendo DSiWare | Games

  • En nu ben jij aan de beurt! Je kunt kiezen uit 5 volksliederen: Duitsland, Engeland, Frankrijk, Italië en Nederland. Zing in de microfoon van de Nintendo DSi!

  • Je kunt kiezen uit 5 volksliederen: Duitsland, Engeland, Frankrijk, Italië en Nederland. Zing in de microfoon van de Nintendo DSi!

6. Just Sing! National Anthems Review (DSiWare) - Nintendo Life

  • 2 jun 2010 · Just Sing! National Anthems is an inoffensive, and most importantly cheap, collection of national anthems that may come in handy for some ...

  • Off-key

7. Just SING! National Anthems Review - IGN

  • 18 aug 2010 · This basic, boring karaoke download is so limited it's laughable. It invites you to sing national anthems, which are just about the safest, least offensive and ...

  • This basic, boring karaoke download is so limited it's laughable. It invites you to sing national anthems, which are just about the safest, least offensive and least interesting songs on the planet, and then only gives you five to choose from – and not all of the five are in English.

8. Just Sing! National Anthems user reviews - Metacritic

  • There are no user reviews yet for Just Sing! National Anthems. Be the first to rate and review this product. Overview. About · Help Center · Careers.

  • Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only Metacritic.com uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.

9. Just Sing! National Anthems details - Metacritic

  • It is the greatest sporting event of 2010: the World Cup! All eyes are on South Africa, and all ears are on you in the karaoke game of the year.

  • It is the greatest sporting event of 2010: the World Cup! All eyes are on South Africa, and all ears are on you in the karaoke game of the year. Enter the hallowed turf and display your talent by singing a selection of national anthems. There are five national anthems to choose from: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Japan and the United States. It's karaoke fun at its best. All text is displayed, and the game features optimum voice recognition. Just sing into the built-in microphone of your Nintendo DSi system. Don your jersey and step out onto the pitch - to sing!

10. THE SCOOP | Sto:lo Singer Turns Down NHL Anthem Offer

  • 1 apr 2022 · ... offer from the Vancouver Canucks of the NHL to perform the American national anthem ... offer that was just too low to accept, namely ...

  • Earlier this week, singer Inez Louis turned down an offer from the Vancouver Canucks of the NHL to perform the American national anthem.

11. Floor Jansen sings national anthem during F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix

  • 11 aug 2022 · Just before the start, the world-famous singer Floor Jansen will ... I hope that my performance of the anthem will give the drivers and fans as ...

  • Just before the start of Formula 1, Floor Jansen will perform a special version of the Dutch National Anthem for all the fans.

12. It's (still) the national anthem – Honor your country | Now Hear This

  • I am amazed at the singers I come across that almost expect, if not demand, to be paid to sing the national anthem. ... offer instead of pay for the anthem singer ...

  • I remind myself that just because I have put out a new episode of "Now Hear This Entertainment" on-time, every week for more than four years, it doesn't mean that the listeners have heard all 224 episodes to-date.  Thus, there is some repetition.

Just Sing! National Anthems Offer (2025)


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